Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Brayden's 1st Christmas

Brayden spent his first Christmas with the Bergh's on the farm.
He loved everyone holding and talking to him. Christmas eve was more about the paper then the present as he loved tearing the wrapping paper apart.
Christmas Eve turned into a roaring blizzard to which the power went out. Grandpa Bergh was all ready and had the generator going shortly thereafter. Bentley & cousin Barky were happy to be inside staying warm by the fire. We stayed an extra day in order for the roads to be plowed. It was quite a storm!

Monday, December 21, 2009


Brayden loves to play with his puppy in bed as well as his exersaucer. But just laying on the floor sometimes seems to make everything better. :)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Real Food?

Brayden got in his Bumbo, Bib on....ready for food. He took his first bite of food today and "hmmmm"...."this is food?" A few days of weird faces turned into grunts of "more please!" He loves sweet potatoes!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Brayden spent his first Thanksgiving with the Millers in Fredericksburg, VA. He took his first plane ride to Washington, DC. He did great...ate and slept the whole way. Well until we got there. Brayden decided that sleeping would mean missing some action so he just didn't do it. It's a good thing Aunt Heather makes good coffee in the morning!

We had fun seeing Mattie, Caroline and Benjamin. They are all so big. Brayden loved the activity in the house; he just laid on his blanket and watched everybody run around him.

Pat and John, Heather's parents, came and baby sat the kids so we could go to dinner. It was our first time out without the kid! We went this great pub called Capital Ale House. The food was great & they had over 250 types of beer.

We also helped put up their Christmas tree. All the kids wore their new Christmas pajamas from Pat and John.

It was fun to be with our best friends...and we had so much to be thankful for!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Growing Bigger Everyday

Brayden is growing leaps and bounds. He is right around 15 lbs. Along with the added pounds has brought rolls and a double chin. At 3 months old that's a good thing!

The past 5 weeks have gone so fast. He is going to Mother's Day Out 3 times a week and loving it. His teacher tells me he doesn't like to sleep because he loves looking at everything. So that means a big nap in the afternoon for us...that's nice!

On October 4th our families joined us in dedicating Brayden at church. It was fun to have grandparents, great grandmas and aunts and uncles spend the day with. Grandma JoAnn made him a beautiful blanket and we were blessed with many other gifts.

He has also attended his first of many car shows. He loves being carried around in the baby bjorn so it was a good time had by all.

We are settling into a routine. Brayden's favorite part of the evenings is his bath with Dad. He loves splashing and playing. Dad gets wet every night, but it's worth it to see him have so much fun.

He is also getting so strong. He now holds his head upright and loves playing in his exersaucer. It lights up and he just smiles. We started introducing new toys each week and he has loved each one. His favorite is his talking/singing dog. He loves when the dog sings.

Bentley has been doing great. He loves Brayden and likes to give him kisses when he's playing on the floor. Bentley has also found a new game...chasing SQUIRRELS! It is funny to watch him dart out the door and run as hard as he can. Still hasn't caught any though. We need to start some training!

Fall has been great with our family.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Big Boy

Two weeks have gone by since I went back to work and Brayden started at Mother's Day Out. It has been wonderful to have him just upstairs from my office. I can visit him whenever I have time.

We went to the doctor yesterday and found out that Brayden weighs 13 lbs 4 oz and is 24 1/4 in long. (he is already wearing 6 mo clothes!) He is in perfect health. He did have to get two shots. It was daddy's job to stay with him. I didn't stay to see my sweetie cry. Ryan said he did great and settled down easily.

Sleeping is going great too! He has slept through the night 5 times and twice in the past two days. I don't get my hopes up because I know it can change, but it sure is nice to wake up at 6am and realize I've slept for 8 hours.

Again and again we can't believe he is ours and we get to keep him. He really is our joy!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

8 weeks

Well Brayden will be 8 weeks old on Monday. It has gone so fast. Monday I also return to work...that means Brayden will have his first day at Mother's Day Out. I am so happy he will be just upstairs from my office.

Maternity leave went so fast. It was wonderful to have Ryan home with Brayden and I. We had fun outings and moments at home. He's a great daddy!!!!

Brayden has been so great. Last time he was weighed he was 12 lbs 2 oz. That was over two weeks ago so I'm sure by his 2 month appointment on October 7th he will be well over 13 lbs. His 3 month clothes are already getting tight. He is so tall.

He has slept thru the night twice. It is wonderful to wake up at 6am or after and realize he slept that whole time. I don't get my hopes up though because the nights in between have not been so sweet. It's amazing what a shower can do to make the day look brighter after a night of no sleep. It makes me a whole new person!

Let's just say it's a good thing he's cute sometimes!!!! (and he IS!!!!!!!!!!)

Monday, September 14, 2009


Brayden all ready for his first Packers game. GO PAC GO!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

5 Weeks Have Gone By

Time has flown...our little man is almost 6 weeks old. It has been a wonderful month+ of growing, cuddling, and eating. Lots and lots of eating. Tiffany's new nickname is Mama Cow! Brayden is growing like a weed. He was weighed at one month and he came in at 10lbs 11oz and 22 1/3 in. He is filling out too. No more old man knees!

Bentley has gotten used to our new addition. His first week home he was a bit annoyed with all the noise, but now he does his own thing and then checks in on Brayden every once in awhile. Bentley loves to sit by Brayden when he plays on the floor.

Everyday seems to bring new things with Brayden. He is smiling now and looks for us when we walk in the room. His favorite thing to look at is ceiling fans. He can find them in any room in the house.

We have also discovered that Brayden might be part dolphin. He makes noises that sound like he sending a signal. We need to get the video camera out to capture them because no other human can recreate that noise.

Brayden has been such a wonderful addition to our family. We can't remember what life was like with out him. He's a great baby!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Brayden's First Restaurant Experience

Brayden is off to a great life of eating well. Wheatfields for brunch and Charlestons for dinner with good company....Grandpa Keith & Grandma Lorre.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

We are HOME!

Today we came home from the hospital. Very excited to be in our own bed tonight.
Brayden is doing well. Bentley is very interested in taking care of his little brother. So excited for the next page in our lives!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Great Day

We had a great day today getting to know our son more and more.
He is healthy and eating well.
Tomorrow we are going home....YEAH!
Thanks to everyone who visited and prayed for us.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Introducing Brayden Ryan

Brayden arrived Monday August 3 @744am.
8 lbs 7 oz
21 3/4 inches long
Mom and Brayden are healthy and doing well.