Thursday, September 10, 2009

5 Weeks Have Gone By

Time has flown...our little man is almost 6 weeks old. It has been a wonderful month+ of growing, cuddling, and eating. Lots and lots of eating. Tiffany's new nickname is Mama Cow! Brayden is growing like a weed. He was weighed at one month and he came in at 10lbs 11oz and 22 1/3 in. He is filling out too. No more old man knees!

Bentley has gotten used to our new addition. His first week home he was a bit annoyed with all the noise, but now he does his own thing and then checks in on Brayden every once in awhile. Bentley loves to sit by Brayden when he plays on the floor.

Everyday seems to bring new things with Brayden. He is smiling now and looks for us when we walk in the room. His favorite thing to look at is ceiling fans. He can find them in any room in the house.

We have also discovered that Brayden might be part dolphin. He makes noises that sound like he sending a signal. We need to get the video camera out to capture them because no other human can recreate that noise.

Brayden has been such a wonderful addition to our family. We can't remember what life was like with out him. He's a great baby!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like Bentley needs a sleeping pill....poor boy..... :)
