Saturday, February 7, 2009

Energizer Bunny

I am happy to report that I am getting my energy back. Up until this week 2pm was my I can make it til 9pm (without a nap) and sometimes a little longer. So far the second trimester is great. Last week I started back on one cup of coffee a day. Once I had the go ahead from the doc there was no stopping me. Ryan still watches me like a hawk to make sure it stays at one cup!

With this energy I am starting to organize the house one room at a time. Starting with the soon to be nursery. Once we find out the sex of our little one Ryan is going to get on the furniture move out and painting.


  1. Yay!! I'm glad you're starting to feel back to your normal self. FYI--my doc said I could have 2 cups of coffee a day, but be careful or you could eng up with a child as "spirited" as Caroline! ;-)
    Any nursery themes picked out yet for either gender?

  2. Glad you feel a little better. Can't wait to find out if you're having a boy, girl, or a Bentley Jr.!!! It will be exciting!! Ryan is a good hawk, isn't it? :) haha. Glad you can drink coffee again!! It's almost a sin to be a Bergh and not drink coffee, ya know!! :)
