Friday, January 9, 2009

Is it a BOY?

Well today I had a relaxing day at the spa thanks to my wonderful husband. I am so blessed. One reoccuring comment when people find out I'm pregnant is "It's a BOY!" It happened again today, both the massage therapist and the gal that did my facial both made the same perdiction. So I am calling out to all our friends and family to take a guess. Ryan thinks it's a boy and I still have a feeling it's a girl...Let us know what you think! We have 10 more weeks until we know officially so you have time.


  1. I think it will be a girl. Everyone has told us that we're having a boy too. Some people even say it's how I carry the baby in my belly. But, if we go by the heart rate method - which has no empirical support - it's a girl. You will be able to do a lot of planning when you find out the gender. We're sticking it out though... even though it's really hard not to ask at the ultrasounds.
    No spas in Vermillion, but maybe I can get Erick to treat me to a massage for Valentine's Day. :)
    Hope you're feeling good.

  2. Well, I'd like for you to have a little girlie, but I'm thinking boy . . . Wait until you get the heart rate at around 15-16 weeks. Then we can guess better. Both of my girls had faster heart rates than the Benj (from what I can remember!!).

  3. I'm going with girl - mother's have a certain intuition. We shall have to wait until August to know for sure though!
