Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Brayden in 3-D

Yesterday we had our 28 week appt. Doc thinks that Brayden is going to be a big boy!

She sent us for another ultrasound and we got to see his face in 3-D per Ryan's request.

During the ultrasound, he had a story to tell and moved his mouth and tongue a lot.

We also confirmed that he is definitely a boy!:)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

How Time Goes By!

I can't believe I am already in week 28! It is going so fast. I feel great. Brayden is a busy little guy. He thinks it's dance party time each time I sit for more than a minute. I love that feeling!

We are so thankful to be blessed with a healthy boy and pray everything continues to go as well as the first 28 weeks. Only 3 months left and we will meet our little man!